

In March, we found 104 jobs in PR

From agencies including Edelman, Brunswick and Hill+Knowlton

Welcome to the first issue of Jobs in PR.

Data about the health of the market for talent in public relations and corporate communications is hard to come by.

Anecdotally, we know that as many as a third of practitioners change jobs yearly. That’s a huge level of churn.

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Our purpose is simple. We want to understand the relationship between public relations and the economy, barriers and opportunities for progression, and salary levels.

We want to aggregate as many jobs as possible. We’re starting initially with large agencies because that’s easiest, but we will develop the scope over the year.

If you’re looking for a job, please get in touch. If you want to submit a job to be included in the next newsletter, fill out this form.

🗞️ Junior roles

Including intern, entry level, account executive

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